
Man-made creations are great but what about the creations that were formed naturally?

We rarely get to experience these creations and yet they are all around us, and very easy to access. This site is about exploring America's great wilderness and seeing what it really has to offer. Yes, a skyscraper is a very impressive piece of architecture. But what about mountains, peaks and passes? (See what I did there?). 

I find in this day in age that we are too ingrained in our concrete jungles. That we use the landscape around us rather than become immersed in them. It's time to get back to our roots and not only learn more about the world, but about ourselves. 

“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity; and that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life.” - John Muir

My name is Patrick Zilch and I am slowly becoming and outdoorsman. I current work in digital advertising in Detroit, MI. The reason I want to go out and explore nature is to rid myself of the consumerist culture that has defined us as Americans. We spend loads of money to go on vacations, only to spend more money once there to enjoy ourselves. I wanted to find somewhere that wouldn't ask anything of me once I arrive. The answer is nature. Nature will ask nothing of me but my time, and will give me more than I can ask for. 

Throughout these journeys I will be documenting it all here in this blog. I invite all of you to subscribe and learn a bit more about the great places our country has to offer. I will also be covering a lot of hiking techniques and ways to make your time in the wilderness more enjoyable. 

Happy reading!

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